Ergonomic Assessments


Ergonomic Assessments help prevent neck, back, shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries due to poor sitting posture and incorrect workstation set up.


Why should we do an Office Ergonomic Assessment?

Work related Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are one of the most common occupational disorders in Australia, often occurring over time with increased levels of absenteeism and lower levels of productivity as a result.

Making ergonomic improvements will have the following positive outcomes to your workplace:

·        Increased overall wellbeing – A happier workplace

·        Increased productivity

·        Less absenteeism and lower staff turnover

·        lower costs associated with workers compensation and paid leave

How does it work?

Our Ergonomic Assessment includes an onsite review of an employee’s workstation and job tasks. The Consultant will adjust individual workstations to best fit the employee and write a report, including specifications of any equipment that may be recommended for the employee. The employee will also receive advice on rest-breaks and stretching.

Comfortable, happy workers are more likely to perform better and avoid injuries and illnesses. Even the smallest changes in the way workstations are set up and how breaks are utilised, can make a massive difference to a worker’s long-term health.

All About Safety can come to your workplace (including home-offices) to complete an Ergonomic Assessment on individual workstations.