Safety Audits

All About Safety can develop Safe Work Method Statements specifically for your business
Get personalised documents that are compliant and customised to address the risks in your business

A Workplace Safety Audit conducted by All About Safety will give you a clear, unbiased and totally confidential snap-shot of your level of compliance to safety laws whilst providing you with a straight forward plan.

What does a Safety Workplace Audit involve? 

Our Health and Safety Consultants will identify the risks in your workplace, help you prioritise and recommend measures to be put in place to minimise your organisation’s risk exposure.

 All About Safety’s 3-Step Audit Process

1.      Meeting with key stakeholders at your worksite

2.      A review of your current systems and processes identifying priority areas

Provide a gap analysis report with practical recommendations


A Workplace safety audit can cover a wide range of assessments, all designed to identify key areas of strength as well as areas that may need attention. 

The Safety Audit process may involve a review of the workplace, equipment, processes and controls. We may also review existing documentation, management philosophy and speak to workers to determine the degree of compliance and safety performance.

Our Range of Audit Services

Workplace Safety Audit

Involves a physical visit to your workplace to scope your operation, review your systems, speak to workers and deliver a detailed report, including recommendations

WHS Management System Audit

Conducted using specific audit tools against your requirements and desired standards, including

§  AS/NZS 4801 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System

§  ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety

§  ISO 9001 – Quality Assurance

Desktop Verification Audit

Designed to give you an insight of the overall structure and compliance of your documentation at a lower cost than a full workplace audit

 Home Office Safety Audit

If a business allows an employee to work from home, it must take steps to ensure that the home work environment is safe. This simple, but effective audit will report on the level of safety provided in a specific environment.